I need to let rip, otherwise I may be too old to do so.
I could buy a Ferrari, but I’m not really into cars. A car for me has always been about getting from A to B without breaking down.
I’ve considered a change of job, but I really can’t think of anything I want to do more. I don’t think I’d qualify as a wine taster with my indiscriminate taste. Any way I like working for myself - I can give myself half days off and I can change my job description to suit my mood.
I could buy myself some heavy jewellery, but that really does remind me of medallion man and hairy chests from the 70s. Not that I have a hairy chest, nor am I a man last time I looked; but it's all very ostentatious. Not really me.
I’m pretty confident I could get a bit on the side, but I imagine after a few months it would be like having two partners. Why would I inflict that on myself?
If I didn't have responsibilities I think I'd sell up, get a back pack and travel light for the rest of my life. Can't take it with you after all. Without the people I love around me though, I'd be very lost.
Perhaps I'll look more seriously into keeping chickens or bees. Or do more gardening. Not exactly letting rip though. I'm going to go shopping on Saturday... let's see what I come back with.
Judging by your older generations, I don't think you've reached half way yet! What to do for the mid-life crisis though? I agree with the discarding of the traditional list - with the exclusion of the car (I'd love a Ferarri or Porsche). Can't wait to see what the shopping expedition yields!
PS: If you are going to 'let rip' can I come too?!
Just don't think sobering thoughts lovely woman. Accept the moment and savour it. You've lived this long - CELEBRATE that fact. I celebrate you in my life and loads of people do too. What an achievement.
PS Bee keeping sounds good tho'.
Bear's a bit late in sharing a thought, but finally made it.
I think you've taken an amazing approach to things. In a few more years, I suspect even fewer things will be important. There will always be family. Beyond that, well, your choice.
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